
Inclusive Pedagogy

Category: Uncategorized

This week’s topics centered around the idea of Inclusive Pedagogy, a term I was previously unfamiliar with. However, after reading more I really like that it’s a all hands on deck, community effort. Both the students and instructor have to work together to ensure that inclusive pedagogy is possible and actively implemented.

While I really enjoyed this week’s readings, it was the YouTube video on microaggressions that stood out to me most. I had learned about microaggressions in undergrad as part of a prerequisite class for a study abroad trip I went on. But, I feel that the analogy of the mosquito bite was really digestible and furthered my understanding of the topic. So many of my friends learned about microaggressions through mentor programs, and leadership positions in undergrad but I think this video is something that could easily be shown to those outside of higher education to further everyone’s understanding on the subject.

Lastly, I found Arao and Clemens’ article to be extremely profound. The term ‘safe space’ is something that has become popularized, in the last few years especially, but I had not thought about the fact that promising a safe space might actually be a larger claim than we’d initially realized. Using the term ‘brave space’ with the understanding that there will be vulnerability, hard conversations, and diverging thoughts with a foundation of respect is so important when fostering a classroom environment. Or, any environment really. I’m curious to see whether or not this terminology catches on. Regardless, I hope the sentiment remains.

This concept of inclusive pedagogy ties in nicely with last week’s topic of culturally relevant teaching. Being aware of who is in your classroom and how to best engage students so that they can be academically successful is at the root of both concepts. I’m excited to learn more and continue thinking about the ways in which I can implement these qualities into my classrooms.

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  1. YES!! that video was great, well descriptive and illustrated for what microaggression is. I related to every question were asked and how even my own family does the same thing towards me. it was so easy to send an indorect message to the people who does it. and the term brave spaces is intelligent, because it describe profoundly what is happening in a healthy learning environment.
